Monday, 30 January 2012

Before and during..

Photos of the latest baby cubes in progress.

First up (obviously) is the before photo.. all the sqaures cut ready.

Next up is the finished/pre-putting together pic..

Cubes start at £8 for 3 aida and 3 fabric.
£9 for 4 aida and 2 fabric.
£12 for all 6 panels in aida.

Personalised to suit your requirements.
All cubes come with a bell inside and are machine washable.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

How will we cope...

...with a Twitter blackout? I know its only 24 hours.. but thats like a WHOLE day.. What on earth are we going to do without random hashtags, the limit of 140 characters..

We'd..*gulp* have to talk to people, actually interact face to face instead of via phones, twitter apps.. It'll be like being back in the 80's only without the batwing jumpers ,shoulder pads and Bros!

We do have another option... Facebook... I know it is a last resort, but its still there if the need for knowing the minutest detail of someone's day/ life should arise..

Maybe I'll sleep on it and decide in the morning if I'm ignoring Twitter.. I might just do something creative instead..after hiding my BlackBerry and Spike so I can't be tempted into going online for anything..

We'll see... 24hrs is a l-o-n-g time after all..

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Its all square...

Well it would be, being baby cubes! Decided to go for 2 blue, 1 white and 1 lemon aida squares and then 1 each of a blue print and a creamy print fabric for a change.. Who says you can't use lemon for a boy anyway. I'd use pale green if I had any..guess thats next to purchase along with some pink.

Currently adding some music to Spike so there is something else to listen to while stitching/tweeting/designing etc.. Especially as the cd player on the stereo isnt working properly. Think it needs a good ol' clean.

Time to get back to the cubes (and up off the floor.. not good at my age) as they aren't going to stitch themselves.
Will add some photos tomorrow :)

Monday, 23 January 2012

Holiday time

A week off from the 'proper' job means that I can spend some time catching up on baby cube orders. We have a Luke and a Jacob to be done..just as well there is plenty of blue thread in the boxes. Thinking of making them slightly different this time with 2 panels in blue printed baby fabric, 2 blue aida and 2 white aida with name and date of birth and then a couple of baby designs on the other blank aida.. As you can tell, I'm undecided as to what to do this time. I know one thing though, it was getting quite samey with the 6 panels of aida.. definetly time for a change.. or should I say a minor tweak.

I also have an order for a Mickey Mouse birth sampler from a friend who, when I did a pic for her Nan's 80th birthday, kept texting to see how much more I had to do.. the more she text, the longer it took as, obviously dear reader, I had to keep putting it down to answer her.. uncertainty at doing it for her will just have to be pushed aside and hope that this time she tells me that it is appreciated by whoever she is giving it to.. if not, I'm not doing anything else for her. Yes I know that is not the point, but a quick text to say 'thank you its lovely' isn't much to ask for is it?

Also on the cross stitch front is a dragon and wizard pic, and my Mum's roses that I started for her 60th birthday..(she's 62 this year..oops)
There is so much I want to stitch that I'm seriously considering surgery to become an octopus so I can do more at once.

Found out that one of my best friends (one of the 2 pregnant ladies who didnt know the sex) is having a girl..yay. It will be a nice change from blue!!!!!

I had better move from here... those baby cubes are not going to get themselves done if I stay infront of Spike (the laptop...named after the lead singer of The Quireboys..and now you're wondering who on earth they are aren't you..)
I shall leave you to go and google/you tube them and go and put the kettle on.

Monday, 9 January 2012

Happy New Year :)

Woohoo...hello 2012. So far so dramas, long may that continue.
New Years resolutions.. to keep blog updated more (at least once a fortnight will do for starters), to create Facebook page/ website and fill them both with pretty pictures of things to buy, and to set proper times for making bits and bobs to see how well they work, ease of creation.. that sort of thing.
Well thats the plan for the moment, but the year is only 9 days old.

So.. things in the pipeline already.. baby letters and gifts.. 4 friends are pregnant (must be something in the water), one due in March, 2 in May and 1 in June.
Also other little things.. pincushions, flowers, phone holders, Valentine, Easter gifts and decorations. Can't wait!!

Also need to work out what is wrong with the Christmas banners I was making.. they just weren't hanging right..looked lovely spread out on the floor, and then I went to pick it up.. still, there's plenty of time for me to get them right ready for this year.