Friday, 28 October 2011


Made 4 Halloween decorations for a friend who is completely nuts about it.. Guess they were a hit as her mum has ordered 3 cats.

If anyone is interested in any of them, please get in touch :)
Cat,ghost and bat are £3 each and the pumpkin is £7.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Hurry up....

I offered to get you the Doctor's sonic screwdriver, I can probably find Bob the Builders phone number somewhere..
I don't live my life through my phone, but its nice to have something to read on the bus to and from work.. I'm not going to get into a complete flap if I can't access my emails.. I am not a teenie who can't remember what its like to actually 'talk' to someone.. I will survive, its just that you have messed up my morning routine.. some people have a cuppa and a fag, I (as a non smoker) have a cuppa and twitter...

Get it sorted! if all else fails.. you can always call 118 for a man-who-can-fix-it

love you really BlackBerry..

Monday, 10 October 2011


I've managed to completely forget about this for the whole of September.. me bad! ;)
In my pathetic defence.. I have been busy completing a cottage cross stitch for my dad so that he could take it back home to Bulgaria after his visit last month, a get well card, and designing a wedding sampler from scratch for a friend who is getting married this weekend (almost finished stitching it).
I have also been learning to knit..something I never thought I would ever be able to master..

Next up on the list of things to do is complete an order for a merry christmas banner..first banner, so I am nervous yet excited at the same time as I want it to look really nice. I can see the finished article in my mind..felt backing and lovely christmas fabric on the front..

Of course all this crafting is wonderful..just that small matter of 'other' job getting in the way of spending all day making pretty things..

The weather is rubbish out there, I certainly don't want to go out in it.. let alone not get home while about 7.30 tonight.. I guess the sooner I move, the sooner it will be over for another day and I can go back to my happy little world of ribbon, threads, buttons, wool etc..